

The importance of mycorrhizal associations for crop productivity

"It is important to understand that the high productivity of the crops depends on chemically balanced, physically structured and biologically active... more

77% increase in phosphor with penergetic: long-term evaluation of the application on meadow in Austria

The evolution from the first test results in 2010 until 2018 shows an increase of 77% Phosphor. The average of plant available P2O5 got from 5mg /... more

Yield increase despite fertilizer reduction

Although the amount of artificial fertilizer has been reduced by 20% an increase in yield had been measured in the Penergetic variants); Together with... more

Silage corn with foliar treatment

Silage corn is an important agricultural crop feed to livestock in the United States. Corn grown in Washington State treated with penergetic shows... more

Drastic reduction of spraying costs and 15% more yield with penergetic p

The effect of penergetic p shows very well in this potatoe experiment: strong plants and significantly lower fertilizer costs. more

Better corn yield in Canada

With the penergetic plant product treatments you are able to improve corn harvest, i.e. between 14.9% up to 20.9% more cob weight in average. more