Three studies, conducted by the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) show that despite the reduction of mineral nitrogen by 30%, the yield was... more
"It was confirmed that these two combinations allowed the obtention of a higher yield of grain by 13%, compared to the full nitrogen dose.... more
[...]It was confirmed that the two combinations allowed a higher yield of maize grain by 2.9% and 8.8%, respectively, compared to the full nitrogen... more
penergetic k accelerates the composting process and solves space problems in the composting yard. Furthermore, the compost windrow smells less. more
With penergetic k, the manure from the loose-box rots fast and produces reusable compost. The smell of the manure heap has been significantly reduced. more
With the penergetic plant product treatments you are able to improve corn harvest, i.e. between 14.9% up to 20.9% more cob weight in average. more