
Microorganisms for improved soil quality and crop productivity

Beneficial microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, algae and actinobacteria live in the soil and contribute to the success of agriculture. They do this by cycling nutrients and establishing symbioses with plant roots. Microorganism help making nutrients bioavailable and increase the secretion of amino acids, enzymes and compounds involved in promoting plant growth. Furthermore, they protect plants from disease attack and reduce biotic and abiotic stress.

The sum of all these benefits provided by microorganisms results in improved soil quality and increased agricultural productivity. Hence the importance of adopting management and using technologies that encourage the activity of microorganisms in the soil.

Mode of Action

Cycle nutrients

Microorganisms are key players in the cycling of nutrients such as nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus and also play an important role in de decomposition of organic matter.

Creation for mycorrhizal symbiosis

 Mycorrhizal plants are able to explore a much larger volume of soil in search of water and nutrients.

[Translate to Englisch:] Bodenorganismen erhöhen die Bodenqualität und somit das Pflanzenwachstum
Improve soil quality

 The rapid response of microbial processes to physical, chemical and biological changes in an ecosystem is at the heart of soil quality.

Allow for fertilizer reduction

Practically all essential elements for cultivated plants can be made available by the action of soil microorganisms.

Increase Photosynthesis

By releasing ATP and other enzymes, photosynthesis and general plant growth are improved.

Release nutrients contained in soil fraction

Microorganisms can synthesize compounds that provide forms of nutrients that would be inaccessible to plants.

Boost plant-root-symbiosis

 the symbiosis of the root system of plants with certain mycorrhizal fungi guarantees the establishment of new associations and the maintenance of the biochemical processes in the rhizosphere

Provide micronutrients

Microorganisms also act directly in the provision of micronutrients such as iron, zinc, copper and manganese.

Penergetic: Influence on Microorganisms

Scientific Publication: In Vitro Activation of Microbial Growth in Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields

"Significant increases in fungal and bacterial growth were observed when using the commercial biostimulator in culture medium."

Publication of Ricardo Bemfica Steffen, Gerusa Pauli Kist Steffen & Joseila Maldaner in the Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, June 2020,

The importance of mycorrhizal associations for crop productivity

Mycorrhizal fungus can supply up to 80% of phosphorus, 25% of nitrogen, 10% of potassium, 25% of zinc and 60% of the copper that the plant needs.

Importance of Mycorrhization under Heat Stress Conditions: Technological Tools to Stimulate Mycorrhizal Colonization


40% higher yield in Kiwi

"We can conclude that applying penergetic b and penergetic p products during season 2021-22 had a significant influence on productivity of a Hayward...

[Translate to Englisch:] sugar beet: increased yield despite mineral nitrogen reduction

reduced nitrogen rate by 30% without yield loss.

Three studies, conducted by the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) show that despite the reduction of mineral nitrogen by 30%, the yield was...


Mineral fertilizer vs. available nutrients in the soil

Plant nutrition is essential for agriculture. However, it is necessary to understand that there are other sources for the fixation and release of nutrients for plants than mineral fertilizers. Practically all 16 essential elements for cultivated plants can be made available by the action of soil microorganisms. However, for this to happen, soils need to provide basic conditions to ensure microbial activity, such as moisture, nutritional balance, organic carbon and pH within a range between 4.5 and 6.5.


Penergetic products to increase microbial activity

penergetic b_soil_bucket

penergetic b for active soils

The Penergetic soil and plant products help to improve soil fertility and plant growth. penergetic b promotes humus formation and soil activity. Soil quality is improved and thus forms an ideal foundation for optimal plant growth. By improving the soil physical structure, the roots find ideal conditions. Furthermore, penergetic b helps making the soil nutrients more plant-available.

penergetic b for soil

penergetic p for vital and high-yielding crops

Penergetic p optimizes plant development by boosting root growth and stimulating mycorrhizal symbiosis. Plants can absorb the nutrients more efficiently and productivity is improved. penergetic p has a positive influence on soil life and helps actively to strengthen plants. It stimulates the root growth, intensifies plant properties and improves the photosynthesis performance. More quantity through optimized root, leaf and flower formation.

penergetic p for plants

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